I looked at him and saw
He was engrossed in reading news papers
I told him I could make the whole staff
Into a three four lines
He supposed to hear me well
Yet he did not raise his head
He was searching something
But I was to tell him
No one announces to offer money
At any street corners
Every one is sitting tight with a trap to get
Everything for self and nothing for others
And the crimes?
There is nothing left to be surprised
Instead read a good piece of abnormal psychology
There you find
Every type of crimes a brain can possibly conceive
Already done by human
Then where is the need to be engrossed
In a news paper to be astonished!
Perhaps this type of foolish men will never understand
Or I am a fool to keep offering this easy option around.

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I looked at him and saw
He was engrossed in reading news papers
I told him I could make the whole staff
Into a three four lines
He supposed to hear me well
Yet he did not raise his head
He was searching something
But I was to tell him
No one announces to offer money
At any street corners
Every one is sitting tight with a trap to get
Everything for self and nothing for others
And the crimes?
There is nothing left to be surprised
Instead read a good piece of abnormal psychology
There you find
Every type of crimes a brain can possibly conceive
Already done by human beings
Then where is the need to be engrossed
In a news paper to be astonished!
Perhaps this type of foolish men will never understand
Or I am a fool to keep offering this easy option around.

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