No one can dismiss the Man Christ
from his interior life on the pretext
that he has now entered by higher
contemplation into direct
communication with the Almighty God.
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At creation,
world into beingthrough His powerfulWord and in thefullness of time,the Word becameflesh and dwelt among us.The Lord first spoketo man when Hewalked with himin the cool of the evening,and His final revelationto us is articulatedthrough the personand work of Jesus Christ,the incarnate Word.He is the High Priestof our confession,who is God made flesh.
There are indeed
who take advantageof the resource extractionstrategies used byactual victims whodeserve those resources.These self-proclaimedvictims realize thatthey can makeunreasonabledemands of others,and not have toanswer for theirinexcusable behavior.
No matter how
easygoing,even then, life canget stressful.When stress takesover, even forthose who appearto be the calmest,it can lead toa sort of madnessand unrest.Then you will seekcalmness of the mind.
We’re running
under so much,harried, haggard.Just compareyour averageweek with thedescription thata life yoked toGod is ‘easy and light’ (Matthew 11: 30 of the New Testament of the Holy Bible) .
‘If I give all
the poor andgive over mybody to hardshipthat I may boastbut do not have love,I gain nothing’.(Ref: 1 Corinthians 13: 3in the New Testamentof The Holy Bible.)
What springs up
– – –The more youunderstand thenature and scopeof the Word,the more willyou see the demandit makes on youand how unreservedmust be yoursubjection to it.