Cool morning with clear sky is beautiful to see and enjoy breathing fresh air in the balcony;
Day is yet to begin its chores in the last day of the year 2017 paving way for New Year 2018!
Entire cosmopolitan town is going to turn into floods of people from all places in the evening;
Full of joy and fun, they all are going to jump, howl and dance riding on noisy bides to beach;
Garden of flowers they are going to be gathering near Gandhi and Nehru statues in he sea shore;
High pitch of their voices are going to utter ‘Happy New Year! ‘ to each and everyone there sure!
In all hotels, sea shore resorts, roof gardens and restaurants, all are going to sing and dance;
Joy of all people is going to stir whole of cosmopolitan town in Indian, French and world tunes;
Kick starting the functions with beer raising the voices in one note of ‘Cheers’ all begin all..;
Long live this kind of high spirit all round the year 2018 all feel in heart carrying on the show!
Mob in frenzy mood triggered by new year fever know not how to express their elated emotion then;
No one is going to bed till dawn of new year they see and with satisfaction fall down in holiday;
Openly they say what all they have in heart and commune with pals and loved ones as never before;
pushing all blocking people away they all gather with friends as feathers of the same bird in joy!
Quivering in the frenzy of new year fever, they sing best of songs they cherish most in heart and
Rejoicing with all dear ones of their hearts they make all dreams into realities since then on;
Saturation point for all high spirited joy there is no end this closing day of last year damn sure;
The thoughts of all sorrows will melt into joys of dreaming tomorrow to make all really happy then!
Unanimously all with cheers and one voice pledge to keep up friendship, love and progress ever so;
Vagaries of life may come in their way, but the resolution they have taken they never let loose…;
Woes of world will go away as cyclonic wind losing vigour by the force of their will showing new way!
X and Y too get injected with this new vigour of force that lifts them high with all as one ever;
Years of woes they have experienced will help their wisdom to surmount all hurdles as birds in air;
Zeal of new year mood is the spring board to follow new resolution to achieve all in flying colours!