And it has been said that he was one who often sat on the dunce’s stool
But he grew up to be a genius to his primary school class mates a surprise
He became a world famous physician and a winner of the Nobel
He discovered the theory of relativity how all living things to each other relate
The boy who was dunce of the class room as a man had achieved something great
When people mention the name of Einstein it is not of the school dunce they speak
But of a man who achieved greatness the world’s cleverest at
his peak.
The story about Albert Einstein is a story many seem to know
Of how the boy who was dunce of the classroom into a great genius did grow
Since his death back in the mid fifties a legend has grown around his name
The boy who was dunce of the classroom lives on now in the hall of fame.
The story of the life of Einstein has been re-told again and
The boy who is dunce of the class room a dunce may not always remain
In his primary schooldays the young Albert Einstein in his
studies was lagging behind
The one now seen as one of the great thinkers in the history
of human kind.
The boy who was dunce of the classroom worked hard till success came his way
And his life time of work did not die with him it is still seen as important today
The climb up life’s hill is a hard climb and you do not give up when you fall
And in the great story of Einstein there is a lesson for us all.