With high speed of wind blowing,
Titli, a cyclone named as usual
This arrived at due early morning,
With the land fall and rapid sound,
Bringing devastation and giving pain,
Bringing heavy rainfall and flood,
Titli came and went away giving fear.
Rainfall still continued for more days,
Speedy and unstable wind blew again,
When the rain stopped and stopped,
Many came out to see the own street,
Leaves were drunk by speedy wind,
Trunks were wilted by heavy rainfall,
Branches had broken and fallen,
Many streets were blocked.
In silence the buildings stood,
A dreamy weather with creamy mind
It motivated a passerby to escape,
Muddy water in street stuck again,
Trees were helpless and crying,
No birds were sitting on branches,
Nests of many birds broke in cyclone,
After cyclone the street was seen.
A cyclone named Titli came and went
Wiping out many dreams of the days,
A thrill of fear remained in mind.
© Kumarmani Mahakul,14 October 2018. All rights reserved.

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