The mystical union
with The Almighty
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God sees the future.
He knows the callhe has placed withineach one of us.He knows the challengeof this hour and this trial.He has a great purposefor this time in the world,andthis time in whichit is a privilege to live.He has made us ready.We can be certain that,in ways that we mayhave never anticipated,He will use us.
Forgive yourself
love who youhave alwaysbeen, so youcan sore to thehighest levelof achievement.This is awesomeand I am soexcited forwhat is aboutto happen toyou over thenext few days.Wow! You reallymade it tothis place.Imagine howgreat, simpleand humbleyou are.
The mind concentrated
of interest, is undistractedby its own likes and dislikes;and performs efficientlythe work that is given it to do.In persons of feebleor diffuse intelligencehowever, this deepabsorption in the senseof Divine Realitymay easily degenerateinto monodeism.(This is a philosophical belief that posits that God exists as an uncaused First Cause ultimately responsible for the creation of the universe,…
What would life be like
eradicated fromthe individual’spersonality andhis creativeimagination?What, would bethe consequencesif optimism wereeradicated fromour attempts tocomprehend andmould the societyin which we live?
The mystic has always been
of expressing the inexpressible.As William James would say,the God-experiencedefies expression,that no report of its contentscan be given in words.
Proclaim the message
so that men, who are deadin their sin and estrangedfrom God, may know the truth.Let them be saved by gracethrough faith in the Almightyand find peace with and in God.This world should be reconciledback to the all caring Godand we are called to beHis peacemakers.