Alan Alexander Milne

I had a penny,

I took my pennyTo the market square.I wanted a rabbit,A little brown rabbit,And I looked for a rabbit‘Most everywhere.For I went to the stall where they sold sweet lavender(‘Only a penny for a bunch of lavender!’).‘Have you got a rabbit, ‘cos I don’t want lavender?’But they hadn’t got a rabbit, not anywhere there.I had a…

There are lions and roaring tigers,

There are biffalo-buffalo-bisons,and a great big bear with wings.There’s a sort of a tiny potamus,and a tiny nosserus too –But I gave buns to the elephantwhen I went down to the Zoo!There are badgers and bidgers and bodgers,and a Super-in-tendent’s House,There are masses of goats, and a Polar,and different kinds of mouse,And I think there’s…

The King’s Breakfast

The Queen, andThe Queen askedThe Dairymaid:‘Could we have some butter forThe Royal slice of bread?’The Queen asked the Dairymaid,The DairymaidSaid, ‘Certainly,I’ll go and tell the cowNowBefore she goes to bed.’The DairymaidShe curtsied,And went and toldThe Alderney:‘Don’t forget the butter forThe Royal slice of bread.’The AlderneySaid sleepily:‘You’d better tellHis MajestyThat many people nowadaysLike marmaladeInstead.’The DairymaidSaid, ‘Fancy!’And…