Arun Kolatkar

The Station Master

The booking clerk believes in the doctrineof the next trainwhen conversations turns to timehe talks his tonguehands it to you across the counterand directs you to the superiorthe two headed station masterbelongs to a sectthat rejects every time tablenot published in the year the track was apocryphalbut interprets the first time tablewith the freedom…

What is god

the dividing lineif it existsis very thinat jejuriand every other stoneis god or his cousinthere is no cropother than godand god is harvested herearound the yearand round the clockout of the bad earthand the hard rockthat giant hunk of rockthe size of a bedroomis khandoba’s wife turned to stonethe crack that runs right acrossis the…

Who has the tigers and who the sheep

The result is always the same:She wins,I lose.But sometimes when her tigersare on the rampage,and I’ve lost half my herd of sheep,help comes from unexpected quarters:Above.The Rusty Shield Bearer,neutral till then,para-drops a winning flower —yellowand irrelevant —on the checkerboarddrawn on the pavement in charcoal,cutting off the retreatof one tiger,and giving a check to the other;and…