Billy Collins

It could be the name of a prehistoric beast

on its hind legs to show off its large vocabulary,or some lover in a myth who is metamorphosed into a book.It means treasury, but it is just a placewhere words congregate with their relatives,a big park where hundreds of family reunionsare always being held,house, home, abode, dwelling, lodgings, and digs,all sharing the same picnic basket…

And I start wondering how they came to be blind.

and I think of the poor motherbrooding over her sightless young triplets.Or was it a common accident, all three caughtin a searing explosion, a firework perhaps?If not,if each came to his or her blindness separately,how did they ever manage to find one another?Would it not be difficult for a blind mouseto locate even one fellow…

Some Days

Some days I put the people in their places at the table,bend their legs at the knees,if they come with that feature,and fix them into the tiny wooden chairs.All afternoon they face one another,the man in the brown suit,the woman in the blue dress,perfectly motionless, perfectly behaved.But other days, I am the onewho is lifted…

Today we woke up to a revolution of snow,

the landscape vanished,not a single mouse to punctuate the blankness,and beyond these windowsthe government buildings smothered,schools and libraries buried, the post office lostunder the noiseless drift,the paths of trains softly blocked,the world fallen under this falling.In a while I will put on some bootsand step out like someone walking in water,and the dog will porpoise…

I might as well begin by saying how much I like the title.

so immediately the poem has my attention,like the Ancient Mariner grabbing me by the sleeve.And I like the first couple of stanzas,the way they establish this mode of self-pointingthat runs through the whole poemand tells us that words are food thrown downon the ground for other words to eat.I can almost taste the tail of…

‘Every time we get a big gale around here

we estimate thatice skating into a sixtymile an hour wind, fully exertingthe legs and swinging armsyou will be pushed backwardan inch every twenty a few days, depending onthe size of the lake,the backs of your skateswill touch will then fall on your assand be blown into the forest.if you gather enough speedby flapping…