Charles Dickens

George Edmunds’ Song

Autumn leaves, autumn leaves, lie strewn around he here;Autumn leaves, autumn leaves, how sad, how cold, how drear!How like the hopes of childhood’s day,Thick clust’ring on the bough!How like those hopes in their decay-How faded are they now!Autumn leaves, autumn leaves, lie strewn around me here;Autumn leaves, autumn leaves, how sad, how cold, how drear!Wither’d…

The wind blew high, the waters raved,

A hundred human creatures savedKneel’d down upon the sand.Threescore were drown’d, threescore were thrownUpon the black rocks wild,And thus among them, left alone,They found one helpless child.A seaman rough, to shipwreck bred,Stood out from all the rest,And gently laid the lonely headUpon his honest breast.And travelling o’er the desert wideIt was a solemn joy,To see…

I’ll sing you a new ballad, and I’ll warrant it first-rate,

When they spent the public money at a bountiful old rateOn ev’ry mistress, pimp, and scamp, at ev’ry noble gate,In the fine old English Tory times;Soon may they come again!The good old laws were garnished well with gibbets, whips, and chains,With fine old English penalties, and fine old English pains,With rebel heads, and seas of…

How beautiful at eventide

Steal o’er the landscape, far and wide,O’er stream and meadow, mound and dale!How soft is Nature’s calm reposeWhen ev’ning skies their cool dews weep:The gentlest wind more gently blows,As if to soothe her in her sleep!The gay morn breaks,Mists roll away,All Nature awakesTo glorious day.In my breast aloneDark shadows remain;The peace it has knownIt can…