Dana Gioia

I can imagine someone who found

the hillside in the heat, cursing the dust,cracking the brittle weeds underfoot,wishing a few more trees for shade.An Easterner especially, who would scornthe meagerness of summer, the drytwisted shapes of black elm,scrub oak, and chaparral, a landscapeAugust has already drained of green.One who would hurry over the clingingthistle, foxtail, golden poppy,knowing everything was just a…


This is a litany of lost things,a canon of possessions dispossessed,a photograph, an old address, a key.It is a list of words to memorizeor to forget–of amo, amas, amat,the conjugations of a dead tonguein which the final sentence has been spoken.This is the liturgy of rain,falling on mountain, field, and ocean–indifferent, anonymous, complete–of water infinitesimally…

How much better it seems now

the unforgettable first line,the cunning way the stanzas run.The rhymes soft-spoken and suggestiveare barely audible at first,an appetite not yet acknowledgedlike the inkling of a thirst.While gradually the form appearsas each line is coaxed aloud–the architecture of a roomseen from the middle of a crowd.The music that of common speechbut slanted so that each detailsounds…

Echo of the clocktower, footstep

of the wind sifting the leaves.Jeweller of the spiderweb, connoisseurof autumn’s opulence, blade of lightningharvesting the sky.Keeper of the small gate, choreographerof entrances and exits, midnightwhisper travelling the wires.Seducer, healer, deity or thief,I will see you soon enough—in the shadow of the rainfall,in the brief violet darkening a sunset—but until then I pray watch over…

The world does not need words. It articulates itself

are no less real for lying uncatalogued and uncounted.The fluent leaves speak only the dialect of pure being.The kiss is still fully itself though no words were spoken.And one word transforms it into something less or other–illicit, chaste, perfunctory, conjugal, covert.Even calling it a kiss betrays the fluster of handsglancing the skin or gripping a…


burning in his dream. Sleeppressed him like a stonein the dust,and whenhe should have risenlike a flame to jointhat choir, he was sickof travelling,and closedhis eyes to the Seraphimascending, unconsciousof the impossible distancesbetween their steps,missedthem mount the brilliantladder, slowly disappearinginto the scattered lightbetween the stars,sleptthrough it all, a stoneupon a stone pillow,shivering, Gravityalways greater than…

Give me a landscape made of obstacles,

where the low-running streams are quick to floodthe grassy fields and bottomlands.A placeno engineers can master–where the roadsmust twist like tendrils up the mountainsideon narrow cliffs where boulders block the way.Where tall black trunks of lightning-scalded pinepush through the tangled woods to make a roostfor hawks and swarming crows.And sharp inclineswhere twisting through the thorn-thick…