Dante Alighieri


Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vitami ritrovai per una selva oscuraché la diritta via era smarrita.Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa duraesta selva selvaggia e aspra e forteche nel pensier rinova la paura!Tant’è amara che poco è più morte;ma per trattar del ben ch’i’ vi trovai,dirò de l’altre cose ch’i’ v’ho scorte.Io…

Death, Always cruel

Death, always cruel, Pity’s foe in chief,Mother who brought forth grief,Merciless judgment and without appeal!Since thou alone hast made my heart to feelThis sadness and unweal,My tongue upbraideth thee without relief.And now (for I must rid thy name of ruth)Behoves me speak the truthTouching thy cruelty and wickedness:Not that they be not known; but ne’erthelessI…

Paradiso Canto 2

Eager to listen, have been followingBehind my ship, that singing sails along,Turn back to look again upon your shores;Do not put out to sea, lest peradventure,In losing me, you might yourselves be lost.The sea I sail has never yet been passed;Minerva breathes, and pilots me Apollo,And Muses nine point out to me the Bears.Ye other…

Love and the gentle heart are one same thing,

Each, of itself, would be such life in deathAs rational soul bereft of reasoning.‘Tis Nature makes them when she loves: a kingLove is, whose palace where he sojournethIs call’d the Heart; there draws he quiet breathAt first, with brief or longer slumbering.Then beauty seen in virtuous womankindWill make the eyes desire, and through the heartSend…