Edgar Lee Masters

I was the Sunday school superintendent,

And the canning factory,Acting for Thomas Rhodes and the banking clique;My son the cashier of the bank,Wedded to Rhodes’ daughter,My week day spent in making money,My Sundays at church and in prayer.In everything a cog in the wheel of things-as-they-are:Of money, master and man, made whiteWith the paint of the Christian creed.And then:The bank collapsed….

Suppose you stood just five feet two,

Studying law by candle lightUntil you became an attorney at law?And then suppose through your diligence,And regular church attendance,You became attorney for Thomas Rhodes,Collecting notes and mortgages,And representing all the widowsIn the Probate Court? And through it allThey jeered at your size, and laughed at your clothesAnd your polished boots? And then supposeYou became the…