Gabriela Mistral

The Lark

You said that you loved the lark more than any other bird because of its straight flight toward the sun. That is how I wanted our flight to be.Albatrosses fly over the sea, intoxicated by salt and iodine. They are like unfettered waves playing in the air, but they do not lose touch with the…

Never, never again?

or during dawn’s maiden brightnessor afternoons of sacrifice?Or at the edge of a pale paththat encircles the farmlands,or upon the rim of a trembling fountain,whitened by a shimmering moon?Or beneath the forest’sluxuriant, raveled tresseswhere, calling his name,I was overtaken by the night?Not in the grotto that returnsthe echo of my cry?Oh no. To see him…

She is harnessed for a long journey; on her back she carries an entire store of wool.

In this world, nothing comes better equipped than the alpaca; ones is more burdened with rags than the next. Her sky-high softness is such that if a newborn is placed on her back, he will not feel a bone of the animal.The weather is very hot. Today, large scissors that will cut and cut represent…

Old Woman Census-taker,

when you’re going along,don’t you meet my baby.Sniffing at newborns,smelling for the milk,find salt, find cornmeal,don’t find my milk.Anti-Mother of the world,People-Collector –on the beaches and byways,don’t meet that child.The name he was baptized,that flower he grows with,forget it, Rememberer.Lose it, Death.Let wind and salt and sanddrive you crazy, mix you upso you can’t tellEast…