Geoffrey Chaucer

Canterbury Tales, The Knight’s Tale, Book I [Excerpt]

In days of old there lived, of mighty fame,A valiant Prince, and Theseus was his name;A chief, who more in feats of arms excelled,The rising nor the setting sun beheld.Of Athens he was lord; much land he won,And added foreign countries to his crown.In Scythia with the warrior Queen he strove,Whom first by force he…

Part 30

Heere folweth the Prologe of the Persouns tale.By that the Maunciple hadde his tale al ended,The sonne fro the south lyne was descendedSo lowe, that he nas nat to my sighteDegrees nyne and twenty as in highte.Ten of the clokke it was tho, as I gesse,For ellevene foot, or litel moore or lesse,My shadwe was…

Part 27

THE SECONDE NONNES TALEThe Prologe of the Seconde Nonnes Tale.The ministre and the norice unto vices,Which that men clepe in Englissh ydelnesse,That porter of the gate is of delices,To eschue, and by hir contrarie hir oppresse,(That is to seyn by leveful bisynesse),Wel oghten we to doon al oure entente,Lest that the feend thurgh ydelnesse us…

HYD, Absolon, thy gilte tresses clere;

Hyd, Jonathas, al thy frendly manere;Penalopee, and Marcia Catoun,Mak of your wyfhod no comparisoun;Hyde ye your beautes, Isoude and Eleyne;My lady cometh, that al this may disteyne.Thy faire body, lat hit nat appere,Lavyne; and thou, Lucresse of Rome toun,And Polixene, that boghten love so dere,And Cleopatre, with al thy passioun,Hyde ye your trouthe of love…

Part 10

Bihoold the murye wordes of the Hoost to Chaucer.Whan seyd was al this miracle, every manAs sobre was, that wonder was to se,Til that oure Hooste japen tho bigan,And thanne at erst he looked upon me,And seyde thus, ‘What man artow,’ quod he,‘Thow lookest as thou woldest fynde an hare,For ever upon the ground I…