Harold Hart Crane

The Hurricane

Lo, Lord, Thou ridest!Lord, Lord, Thy swifting heartNought stayeth, nought now bidethBut’s smithereened apart!Ay! Scripture flee’th stone!Milk-bright, Thy chisel windRescindeth flesh from boneTo quivering whittlings thinned—Swept, whistling straw! Battered,Lord, e’en boulders now outleapRock sockets, levin-lathered!Nor, Lord, may worm outdeepThy drum’s gambade, its plunge abscond!Lord God, while summits crashingWhip sea-kelp screaming on blondSky-seethe, dense heaven dashing—Thou…

The swift red flesh, a winter king—

She ran the neighing canyons all the spring;She spouted arms; she rose with maize—to die.And in the autumn drouth, whose burnished handsWith mineral wariness found out the stoneWhere prayers, forgotten, streamed the mesa sands?He holds the twilight’s dim, perpetual throne,Mythical brows we saw retiring—loth,Disturbed and destined, into denser green.Greeting they sped us, on the arrow’s…

Often beneath the wave, wide from this ledge

An embassy. Their numbers as he watched,Beat on the dusty shore and were obscured.And wrecks passed without sound of bells,The calyx of death’s bounty giving backA scattered chapter, livid hieroglyph,The portent wound in corridors of shells.Then in the circuit calm of one vast coil,Its lashings charmed and malice reconciled,Frosted eyes there were that lifted altars;And…

Whose counted smile of hours and days, suppose

Vastly now parting gulf on gulf of wingsWhose circles bridge, I know, (from palms to the severeChilled albatross’s white immutability)No stream of greater love advancing nowThan, singing, this mortality aloneThrough clay aflow immortally to you.All fragrance irrefragably, and claimMadly meeting logically in this hourAnd region that is ours to wreathe again,Portending eyes and lips and…

And profane Greek to raise the building upOf Helen’s house against the Ismaelite,King of Thogarma, and his habergeonsBrimstony, blue and fiery; and the forceOf King A baddon, and the beast of Cittim;Which Rabbi David Kimchi, Onkelos,And A ben Ezra do interpret Rome.‘-THE ALCHEMIST.IThe mind has shown itself at timesToo much the baked and labeled doughDivided…