Harold Hart Crane

Performances, assortments, résumés—

Channel the congresses, nightly sessions,Refractions of the thousand theatres, faces—Mysterious kitchens. . . . You shall search them all.Someday by heart you’ll learn each famous sightAnd watch the curtain lift in hell’s despite;You’ll find the garden in the third act dead,Finger your knees—and wish yourself in bedWith tabloid crime-sheets perched in easy sight.Then let you…

The tarantula rattling at the lily’s foot

Near the coral beach—nor zigzag fiddle crabsSide-stilting from the path (that shift, subvertAnd anagrammatize your name)—No, nothing hereBelow the palsy that one eucalyptus liftsIn wrinkled shadows—mourns.And yet supposeI count these nacreous frames of tropic death,Brutal necklaces of shells around each graveSquared off so carefully. ThenTo the white sand I may speak a name, fertileAlbeit in…

Sinuously winding through the room

Plaintive yet proud the cello tones resumeThe andante of smooth hopes and lost regrets.Bright peacocks drink from flame-pots by the wall,Just as absinthe-sipping women shiver throughWith shimmering blue from the bowl in Circe’s hall.Their brown eyes blacken, and the blue drop hue.The andante quivers with crescendo’s start,And dies on fire’s birth in each man’s heart.The…

The little voices of the prairie dogs

They will give three hurrahsAlike to stage, equestrian, and pullman,And all unstingingly as to the moon.And Fifi’s bows and poodle easeWhirl by them centred on the lapOf Lottie Honeydew, movie queen,Toward lawyers and Nevada.And how much more they cannot see!Alas, there is so little time,The world moves by so fast these days!Burrowing in silk is…

How many dawns, chill from his rippling rest

Shedding white rings of tumult, building highOver the chained bay waters Liberty–Then, with inviolate curve, forsake our eyesAs apparitional as sails that crossSome page of figures to be filed away;–Till elevators drop us from our day . . .I think of cinemas, panoramic sleightsWith multitudes bent toward some flashing sceneNever disclosed, but hastened to again,Foretold…

Where the cedar leaf divides the sky

In sapphire arenas of the hillsI was promised an improved infancy.Sulking, sanctioning the sun,My memory I left in a ravine,-Casual louse that tissues the buck-wheat,Aprons rocks, congregates pearsIn moonlit bushelsAnd wakens alleys with a hidden cough.Dangerously the summer burned(I had joined the entrainments of the wind).The shadows of boulders lengthened my back:In the bronze gongs…