Helen Hunt Jackson

With what a childish and short-sighted sense

Of danger and escape, the hours and waysOf death; it breathless flies the pestilence;It walls itself in towers of defence;By land, by sea, against the storm it laysDown barriers; then, comforted, it says:‘This spot, this hour is safe.’ Oh, vain pretence!Man born of man knows nothing when he goes;The winds blow where they list, and…

Faint And Weary Toiled A Pilgrim

‘Faint and weary toiled a pilgrim,Faint and weary of his load;Sudden came a sweet bird wingingGlad and swift across his road.”Blessed songster!’ cried the pilgrim,‘Where is now the load I bore?I forget it in thy singing;Hearing thee, I faint no more,’‘While he spoke the bird went wingingHigher still, and soared away;‘Cruel songster!’ cried the pilgrim,‘Cruel…

Old as the world–no other things so old;

Such lusty strength in them when earth was young?–Stand valor and its passion hot and bold,Insatiate of battle. How, else, toldBlind men, born blind, that red was fitting tongueMute, eloquent, to show how trumpets rungWhen armies charged adn battle-flags unfurled?Who sings of valor speaks for life, for death,Beyond all death, and long as life is…