Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Shepherd! who with thine amorous sylvan songs

Who mad’st thy crook from the accursed tree,On which thy powerful arms were stretched so long!Lead me to mercy’s ever-flowing fountains;For thou my shepherd, guard, and guide shalt be ;I will obey thy voice, and wait to seeThy feet all beautiful upon the mountains.Hear, Shepherd! thou who for thy flock art dying,Oh, wash away these…

Causa la vista el artificio humano, etc.

The curious eye; the fountain’s sparkling rill,And gardens, when adorned by human skill,Reproach the feeble hand, the vain desire.But oh! the free and wild magnificenceOf Nature in her lavish hours doth steal,In admiration silent and intense,The soul of him who hath a soul to feel.The river moving on its ceaseless way,The verdant reach of meadows…

Spake full well, in language quaint and olden,

When he called the flowers, so blue and goldenStars, that in the earth’s firmament do shine.Stars they are, wherein we do read our historyAs astrologers and seers of eld;Yet not wrapped about with awful mystery,Like the burning stars, which they beheld.Wonderous truths, and manifold as wonderous,God has written in those stars above;But not less in…


Who has it not wants hardihood,Who has it has much trouble and care,Who once has had it has despair.THE BEST MEDICINESJoy and Temperance and ReposeSlam the door on the doctor’s nose.SINMan-like is it to fall into sin,Fiend-like is it to dwell therein,Christ-like is it for sin to grieve,God-like is it all sin to leave.POVERTY AND…

‘E venni dal martirio a questa pace.’

Uttered by one who, bravely dying here,In the true faith was living in that sphereWhere the celestial cross of sacrificeSpread its protecting arms athwart the skies;And set thereon, like jewels crystal clear,The souls magnanimous, that knew not fear,Flashed their effulgence on his dazzled eyes.Ah me! how dark the discipline of pain,Were not the suffering followed…