Herbert Nehrlich

The town was called

that those dilapidated shackshoused only Black Fellows.They’d taken over whenthe mine did fold, and people,without a livelihood just left.And now, the streets were,truly, littered with the stubbies,empty Four X, the labels fading.The guys in suits came out,and had a look, then promptlyunceremoniously declaredthat Blacks ough to be lockedinto the dungeons of Mount Isa.So, it was…

He was humongous at that.

quite appropriate, if perhaps unkind.Yellow Cab had to, orders from up high,dumped him, reluctantly, friendly fellow,popular with colleagues, accommodating.Customers would ask, wait in a queue,stash own luggage, infirmity rules.The Tuesday, when the mongrel was re-electedhe was ‘VIPping’ down the Santa Ana,precious cargo on board, ‘scarecrow’,name bestowed upon, now passenger.Big Chevy Caprice, five pimply Latinos,crowding and…

Ein Wurm, versteckt in einem Blatte

erlitt des Schicksal’s boese Handals ihn ein Diebesbursche fand.Der Dieb nahm ihn mitsamt dem Kopfder gruenen Pflanze bei dem Schopf.Er trug ihn fort, die Nacht war kaltzum Haus von seinem Rechtsanwalt.Denn an dem Abend hatte ergeplant, und nicht von ungefaehr,das Haus zu rauben wenn der Schoeffebeim Tanz sich labte mit Gesoeffe.Und unter schoenem, hellen Lichtraubt…