Hermann Hesse

In Weihnachtszeiten

In Weihnachtszeiten reis’ ich gernUnd bin dem Kinderjubel fernUnd geh’ in Wald und Schnee allein.Und manchmal, doch nicht jedes Jahr,Trifft meine gute Stunde ein,Daß ich von allem, was da war,Auf einen Augenblick gesundeUnd irgendwo im Wald für eine StundeDer Kindheit Duft erfühle tief im SinnUnd wieder Knabe bin…

Graceful, spiritual,

our life is similarto the existence of fairiesthat spin in soft cadencearound nothingnessto which we sacrificethe here and nowDreams of beauty, youthful joylike a breath in pure harmonywith the depth of your young surfacewhere sparkles the longing for the nightfor blood and barbarityIn the emptiness, spinning, without aims or needsdance free our livesalways ready for…

Is this everything now, the quick delusions of flowers,

The soft blue spread of heaven, the bees’ song,Is this everything only a god’sGroaning dream,The cry of unconscious powers for deliverance?The distant line of the mountain,That beautifully and courageously rests in the blue,Is this too only a convulsion,Only the wild strain of fermenting nature,Only grief, only agony, only meaningless fumbling,Never resting, never a blessed movement?No!…

Only on me, the lonely one,

The stone fountain whispers its magic song,To me alone, to me the lonely oneThe colorful shadows of the wandering cloudsMove like dreams over the open countryside.Neither house nor farmland,Neither forest nor hunting privilege is given to me,What is mine belongs to no one,The plunging brook behind the veil of the woods,The frightening sea,The bird whir…