Jack Gilbert

Going Wrong

The fish are dreadful. They are brought upthe mountain in the dawn most days, beautifuland alien and cold from night under the sea,the grand rooms fading from their flat eyes.Soft machinery of the dark, the man thinks,washing them. ‘What can you know of my machinery!’demands the Lord. Sure, the man says quietlyand cuts into them,…

We find out the heart only by dismantling what

we find a morning that comes just after darkness.We can break through marriage into marriage.By insisting on love we spoil it, get beyondaffection and wade mouth-deep into love.We must unlearn the constellations to see the stars.But going back toward childhood will not help.The village is not better than Pittsburgh.Only Pittsburgh is more than Pittsburgh.Rome is…

Suddenly this defeat.

The blues gone grayAnd the browns gone grayAnd yellowA terrible amber.In the cold streetsYour warm body.In whatever roomYour warm body.Among all the peopleYour absenceThe people who are alwaysNot you.I have been easy with treesToo long.Too familiar with mountains.Joy has been a habit.NowSuddenlyThis rain.Anonymous submission.