John Donne

Sleep sleep old Sun, thou canst not have repast

Sleep then, and rest; The world may bearer thy stay,A better Sun rose before thee to day,Who, not content to’englighten all that dwellOn the earths face, as thou, enlightned hell,And made the darker fires languish in that vale,As, at thy presence here, our fires grow pale.Whose body having walk’d on earth, and nowHasting to Heaven,…

Let mans Soule be a Spheare, and then, in this,

And as the other Spheares, by being growneSubject to forraigne motions, lose their owneAnd being by others hurried every day,Scarce in a yeare their natural! forme obey:Pleasure or businesse, so, our Soules admitFor their first mover, and are whirld by it.Hence is’s, that I am carryed towards the WestThis day, when my Soules forme bends…

Batter my heart, three-personed God; for You

That I may rise and stand, o’erthrow me,’and bendYour force to break, blow, burn, and make me new.I, like an usurped town, to’another due,Labor to’admit You, but O, to no end;Reason, Your viceroy’in me, me should defend,But is captived, and proves weak or untrue.Yet dearly’I love You,’and would be loved fain,But am betrothed unto Your…

I’LL tell thee now (dear love) what thou shalt do

How I shall stay, though she eloign me thus,And how posterity shall know it too ;How thine may out-endureSibyl’s glory, and obscureHer who from Pindar could allure,And her, through whose help Lucan is not lame,And her, whose book (they say) Homer did find, and name.Study our manuscripts, those myriadsOf letters, which have past ‘twixt thee…