Whence I have come and by which way,
Wither I shall go and by which way,I do not know.Were I to know the end of it allAnd gain the knowledge of the truth,(it would be well, for otherwise)Life here is but an empty breath.
Wither I shall go and by which way,I do not know.Were I to know the end of it allAnd gain the knowledge of the truth,(it would be well, for otherwise)Life here is but an empty breath.
Adore HIM in obeisance?Which juice should we use in a‘Nauri-Kalash’ in puja? (a spouted container)Which Mantras should we mutterUnto ShankarTo Awaken our Souls?
I recognized the Self in me:When I saw Him dwelling in me,I realized that He was the Everything and I was nothing.
The search for the Realis no simple matter.Deep in my looking,the last words vanished.Joyous and silent,the waking that met me there.
But I have not learnt the practicesthat would please my Lord.I have worn thin my finger and thumbtelling the rosary beads,But I have not been able to dispelduality from my mind.
I could not reach mystic knowledgeSticking to it,I intensified my effortsLo and behold: I attained my goal;Brimful there, are all vesselsand no one’s there to drink:
My ears will not hear,My eyes will not see.When the Voice calls from withinthe inmost mind,The lamp of faith burns steady and brighteven in the wind.
In movement we should remain,Day after day and, night after night;Whence we come, thenceWe should return:Something or the other,and, something or the other,And, something or what?
My body has bent double under its weight;how shall I carry the load ?The word of my Guru(that I must lose the world to gain my soul),Has been a painful ”loss-blister” for me.I am become a shepherdless flock, ah me!
Though you can hear, be as one deaf;Patiently bear with all you meet,and politely talk to eveyone.This practice surely will lead youto the realisation of the Truth.