M Asim Nehal

Autumn dances by undressing leaves

This season will forget once againThe lingering September’s blissThe taste of sweetie chillWill come from October’s millThe rain-filled earth will revivifyVegetables, fruits and flowersVacant eyes will be filledWith the shiny falling dew dropsBy the nights of November monthHanging on to the starry dreamsThe firewood will burn the nightsThe early morning will struggle with lightsThe long…

Fallen from the stairs

To fulfil her wishHe tried all his tricksLater, his mission was even biggerWhat he did was accidentally triggeredIn the enemy’s country ~ he wasHopelessly lost where helplessly coldThough in the enemy’s camp he never lost his hopeWhen he peeped at her through a hole of desireSoon, when they dispersed after the meetingHe decided to salvage…

Dew nuzzles on the petal of a delicate flower

Giving birth to umpteen imaginations,like soft green moss on the white smooth pebbles.I am standing like a solitary wild flower against the breezeWearing silence of the twilight rain under solid moonbeamsMysteriously looking for someone to come and pickIn a hope for that crimson flush of one more morningOh, winds pick me up and carry me…

We are running against the time and the dates,

Age, emotions and gains,Age settings are default, it will always increase.Emotions swing like pendulum between content and discontentGains are our accountshowing what we earned in this life and for hereafter.We all want to go past the clock and calendarAlthough they keep us reminding of our existence,life around and blessings.How fortunate we are to be with…