Phyllis Mcginley

Summer, adieu

Goodbye, ‘revoir, farewell.Now day comes late; now chillier blows the breeze onForsaken beach and boarded-up hotel.Now wild geese fly together in thin linesAnd Tourist Homes take down their lettered signs.It fades–this green this lavish intervalThis time of flowers and fruits,Of melon ripe along the orchard wall,Of sun and sails and wrinkled linen suits;Time when the…

The first thing to remember about fathers is, they’re men.

They are dragon-seekers, bent on impossible rescues.Scratch any father, you findSomeone chock-full of qualms and romantic terrors,Believing change is a threat –Like your first shoes with heel on, like your first bicycleIt took months to get.Walk in strange woods, they warn you about the snakes there.Climb and they fear you’ll fall.Books, angular looks, swimming in…

She said, If tomorrow my world were torn in two,

(As if transfixed in unsurrendering amber)This hour best of all the hours I knew:When cars came backing into the shabby station,Children scuffing the seats, and the women drivingWith ribbons around their hair, and the trains arriving,And the men getting off with tired but practiced motion.Yes, I would remember my life like this, she said:Autumn, the…

his paper propped against the electric toaster

Daniel at breakfast studies world disasterand sips his orange juice.the words dismay him. headlines shrilly chatterof famine, storm, death, pestilence, decay.Daniel is gloomy, reaching for the butter.he shudders at the waywar stalks the planet still, and men know hunger,go shelterless, betrayed, may perish soon.the coffee’s weak again. in sudden angerDaniel throws down his spoonand broods…

Where are the ribbons I tie my hair with?

The sheer ones hoarded these weeks to wear withFrocks the closets do not disclose?Perfumes, petticoats, sports chapeaus,The blouse Parisian, the earrings Spanish –Everything suddenly up and goes.And where in the world did the children vanish?This is the house I used to share withGirls in pinafores, shier than does.I can recall how they climbed my stairs…