Rachel Field

The Playhouse Key

This is the key to the playhouseIn the woods by the pebbly shore,It’s winter now, I wonder ifThere’s snow about the door?I wonder if the fir trees tapGreen fingers on the pane,If sea gulls cry and the roof is wetAnd tinkle-y with rain?I wonder if the flower-sprigged cupsAnd plates sit on their shelf,And if my…

Something told the wild geese

Though the fields lay goldenSomething whispered,-‘Snow.’Leaves were green and stirring,Berries, luster-glossed,But beneath warm feathersSomething cautioned,-‘Frost.’All the sagging orchardsSteamed with amber spice,But each wild breast stiffenedAt remembered ice.Something told the wild geeseIt was time to fly,Summer sun was on their wings,Winter in their cry.