Rainer Maria Rilke

As on all its sides a kitchen-match darts white

with the audience around her, quickened, hot,her dance begins to flicker in the dark room.And all at once it is completely fire.One upward glance and she ignites her hairand, whirling faster and faster, fans her dressinto passionate flames, till it becomes a furnacefrom which, like startled rattlesnakes, the longnaked arms uncoil, aroused and clicking.And then:…

At The Brink Of Night

My room and this distance,awake upon the darkening land,are one. I am a stringstretched across deepsurging resonance.Things are violin bodiesfull of murmuring darkness,where women’s weeping dreams,where the rancor of whole generationsstirs in its sleep . . .I should releasemy silver vibrations: theneverything below me will live,and whatever strays into thingswill seek the lightthat falls without…

Rose, you majesty-once, to the ancients, you were

But for us, you are the full, the numberless flower,the inexhaustible countenance.In your wealth you seem to be wearing gown upon gownupon a body of nothing but light;yet each seperate petal is at the same time the negationof all clothing and the refusal of it.Your fragrance has been calling its sweetest namesin our direction, for…

Night. O you whose countenance, dissolved

You who are the heaviest counterweightto my astounding contemplation.Night, that trembles as reflected in my eyes,but in itself strong;inexhaustible creation, dominant,enduring beyond the earth’s endurance;Night, full of newly created stars that leavetrails of fire streaming from their seamsas they soar in inaudible adventurethrough interstellar space:how, overshadowed by your all-embracing vastness,I appear minute!—Yet, being one with…