Ralph Hodgson

Three Poems

IBabylon where I go dreamingWhen I weary of to-day,Weary of a world grown gray.IIGod loves an idle rainbow,No less than laboring seas.IIIReason has moons, but moons not hersLie mirrored on her sea,Confounding her astronomers,But, oh, delighting me!

If you could bring her glories back!

And burrow in the mould and mustOf Babylon for bric-a-brac;Who catalogue and pigeon-holeThe faded splendours of her soulAnd put her greatness under glass –If you could bring her past to pass!If you could bring her dead to life!The soldier lad; the market wife;Madam buying fowls from her;Tip, the butcher’s bandy cur;Workmen carting bricks and clay;Babel…

Sour fiend, go home and tell the Pit

A man who carried in his soulThree charms against disaster,The Devil and disaster.Away, away, and tell the taleAnd start your whelps a-whining,Say ‘In the greenwood of his soulA lizard’s eye was shining,A little eye kept shining.’Away, away, and salve your sores,And set your hags a-groaning,Say ‘In the greenwood of his soulA drowsy bee was droning,A…

Time, You Old Gypsy Man

Put up your caravanJust for one day?All things I’ll give youWill you be my guest,Bells for your jennetOf silver the best,Goldsmiths shall beat youA great golden ring,Peacocks shall bow to you,Little boys sing.Oh, and sweet girls willFestoon you with may,Time, you old gypsy,Why hasten away?Last week in Babylon,Last night in Rome,Morning, and in the crushUnder…