Robert Herrick

How rich and pleasing thou, my Julia, art,

First, for thy Queen-ship on thy head is setOf flowers a sweet commingled coronet;About thy neck a carkanet is bound,Made of the Ruby, Pearl, and Diamond;A golden ring, that shines upon thy thumb;About thy wrist the rich Dardanium;Between thy breasts, than down of swans more white,There plays the Sapphire with the Chrysolite.No part besides must…

I will confess

Love is a thing so likes me,That, let her layOn me all day,I’ll kiss the hand that strikes me.I will not, I,Now blubb’ring cry,It, ah! too late repents meThat I did fallTo love at all–Since love so much contents me.No, no, I’ll beIn fetters free;While others they sit wringingTheir hands for pain,I’ll entertainThe wounds of…