Sunil Gangopadhyay

Calcutta and I

Calcutta is a dead weight on my heart:I must destroy her before I go.I shall seduce her away to Haldia portand feed her sweets spiked with arsenic—Calcutta is a dead weight on my heart.Calcutta counterfeits moonlight, and has learntto mix thorns and gravelwith her kisses.She forgets to add sugar to tea like her tearsand has…

By writing a poem I shall now build a palace,

by writing a poem though I may not be elected PresidentI shall demand my fistful of earth:for eons this world has been indebted to the shepherd’s song.By writing a poem I shall claim Scotch, premium brand, anda leg of chicken cooked in unadulterated oil, nothing less—for this poem I shall demand countless odalisques—or a woman…

This golden figurine- oh dear, will she ceaselessly crumble away,

Her nipples two bared switches,- switches? Hands tremble at their touch.This hand has touched worms, pillows bound to chest, blood,In a greedless drowning to death in the blood’s mucus,This hand has touched the shriek of tearless eyesThis hand has touchedThis handA tunnel-like alley- running through it lightning-fast,small change clutched….sounds of boots behind, a cigarettein the…

Neera, sometimes, it seems

than even the day I was born.You walk alone —in the autumn-woods.The rustle of leavesunder your tender feet,fill the air!The mountains, sloped like a bullock’s neckmeet the horizon,and the evening sunresounding its victory-cymbalssets behind those hills.All these, Neera, seem more distantthan even the day I was born.Sometimes, when I’ve looked at the sky,I’ve seen a…