Thomas Chatterton

Says Tom to Jack, ’tis very odd,

In color, way of life and evil,Should be so very like the devil.Jack, understand, was one of those,Who mould religion in the rose,A red hot methodist; his faceWas full of puritanic grace,His loose lank hair, his slow gradation,Declared a late regeneration;Among the daughters long renown’d,For standing upon holy ground;Never in carnal battle beat,Tho’ sometimes forced…


GODDWYN, bie Johan de Iscamme.ELWARDE, bie Syrr Thybbot Gorges.ALSTAN, bie Syrr Alan de Vere.KYNGE EDWARD; bie Mastre Wilyam Canynge.Odhers bie Knyghtes Mynnstrells.PROLOGUEWHYLOMME bie pensmenne moke ungentle nameHave upon Goddwynne Erle of Kente bin layde,Dherebie benymmynge hymme of faie and fame;Unliart divinistres haveth saide,Thatte he was knowen toe noe hallie wurche ;Botte thys was all hys…

Sharp was the frost, the wind was high

Sly Dick in arts of cunning skill’d,Whose rapine all his pockets fill’d,Had laid him down to take his restAnd soothe with sleep his anxious breast.‘Twas thus a dark infernal spriteA native of the blackest night,Portending mischief to deviseUpon Sly Dick he cast his eyes;Then straight descends the infernal sprite,And in his chamber does alight;In visions…

OH Truth! immortal daughter of the skies,

Teach me, fayre Saincte! hy passynge worthe to pryze,To blame a friend and give a foeman prayse.The fickle moone, bedeckt wythe sylver rays,Leadynge a traine of starres of feeble lyghte,With look adigne the worlde belowe surveies,The world, that wotted not it coud be nyghte;Wyth armour dyd, with human gore ydeyd,The sees Kynge Harolde stande, fayre…

THOROWE the halle the belle han sounde;

The ealdermenne doe sytte arounde,Ande snoffelle oppe the cheorte steeme.Lyche asses wylde ynne desarte wasteSwotelye the morneynge ayre doe taste.Syke keene theie ate; the minitrels plaie,The dynne of angelles doe theie keepe;Heie stylle the guestes ha ne to saie,Butte nodde yer thankes ande falle aslape.Thus echone daie bee I to deene,Gyf Rowley, Iscamm, or Tyb….

On Tiber’s banks, Tiber, whose waters glide

And circling all the horrid mountain round,Rushes impetuous to the deep profound;Rolls o’er the ragged rocks with hideous yell;Collects its waves beneath the earth’s vast shell;There for a while in loud confusion hurl’d,It crumbles mountains down and shakes the world.Till borne upon the pinions of the air,Through the rent earth the bursting waves appear;Fiercely propell’d…

Somme cherisaunei ‘tys to gentle mynde,

Whan theie ar dedd, theie leave yer name behynde,And theyre good deedes doe on the earthe remayne;Downe yn the grave wee ynhyme everych steyne,Whylest al her gentlenesse ys made to sheene,Lyche fetyve baubels geasonne to be seene.Ælla, the wardenne of thys castell stede,Whylest Saxons dyd the Englysche sceptre swaie,Who made whole troupes of Dacyan men…

The night was cold, the wind was high,

Churchwarden Joe had laid him down,And slept secure on bed of down;But still the pleasing hope of gain,That never left his active brain,Exposed the churchyard to his view,That seat of treasure wholly new.“Pull down that cross,” he quickly cried,The mason instantly complied:When lo! behold, the golden prizeAppears—joy sparkles in his eyes.The door now creaks, the…