William Blake

1. Earth was not: nor globes of attraction

Or contracted his all flexible senses.Death was not, but eternal life sprung2. The sound of a trumpet the heavensAwoke & vast clouds of blood roll’dRound the dim rocks of Urizen, so nam’dThat solitary one in Immensity3. Shrill the trumpet: & myriads of Eternity,Muster around the bleak desartsNow fill’d with clouds, darkness & watersThat roll’d perplex’d…

HEAR the voice of the Bard,

Whose ears have heardThe Holy WordThat walk’d among the ancient trees;Calling the lapsed soul,And weeping in the evening dew;That might controlThe starry pole,And fallen, fallen light renew!‘O Earth, O Earth, return!Arise from out the dewy grass!Night is worn,And the mornRises from the slumbrous mass.‘Turn away no more;Why wilt thou turn away?The starry floor,The watery shore,Is…

Little Fly,

My thoughtless handHas brushed away.Am not IA fly like thee?Or art not thouA man like me?For I danceAnd drink, and sing,Till some blind handShall brush my wing.If thought is lifeAnd strength and breathAnd the wantOf thought is death;Then am IA happy fly,If I live,Or if I die.

The sun does arise,

The merry bells ringTo welcome the spring;The skylark and thrush,The birds of the bush,Sing louder aroundTo the bell’s cheerful sound,While our sports shall be seenOn the Echoing Green.Old John with white hair,Does laugh away care,Sitting under the oak,Among the old folk.They laugh at our play,And soon they all say:‘Such, such were the joysWhen we all,…

The Rhine Was Red.

The Rhine was red with humane blood,The Danube roll’d a purple tide,On the Euphrates Satan stoodAnd over Asia stretch’d his pride.He wither’d up sweet Zion’s HillFrom every Nation of the Earth;He wither’d up Jerusalem’s GatesAnd in a dark Land gave her birth.He wither’d up the Human FormBy laws of sacrifice for sin,Till it became a…

TO my friend Butts I write

On the yellow sands sitting.The sun was emittingHis glorious beamsFrom Heaven’s high streams.Over sea, over land,My eyes did expandInto regions of air,Away from all care;Into regions of fire,Remote from desire;The light of the morningHeaven’s mountains adorning:In particles bright,The jewels of lightDistinct shone and clear.Amaz’d and in fearI each particle gazèd,Astonish’d, amazèd;For each was a ManHuman-form’d….