William Wordsworth

TELL me, ye Zephyrs! that unfold,

Pinions that fanned the teeming mouldOf Eden’s blissful wilderness,Did only softly-stealing hoursThere close the peaceful lives of flowers?Say, when the ‘moving’ creatures sawAll kinds commingled without fear,Prevailed a like indulgent lawFor the still growths that prosper here?Did wanton fawn and kid forbearThe half-blown rose, the lily spare?Or peeped they often from their bedsAnd prematurely disappeared,Devoured…

The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, in the Refectory of the Convent of Maria della Grazia—Milan

Tho’ searching damps and many an envious flawHave marred this Work, the calm ethereal grace,The love deep-seated in the Saviour’s face,The mercy, goodness, have not failed to aweThe Elements; as they do melt and thawThe heart of the Beholder- and erase(At least for one rapt moment) every traceOf disobedience to the primal law.The annunciation of…

Art thou the bird whom Man loves best,

Our little English Robin;The bird that comes about our doorsWhen Autumn-winds are sobbing?Art thou the Peter of Norway Boors?Their Thomas in Finland,And Russia far inland?The bird, that by some name or otherAll men who know thee call their brother,The darling of children and men?Could Father Adam open his eyesAnd see this sight beneath the skies,He’d…


His eyes from sleep, at the first break of day,And unto Pandarus, his own Brother dear,For love of God, full piteously did say,We must the Palace see of Cresida;For since we yet may have no other feast,Let us behold her Palace at the least!And therewithal to cover his intentA cause he found into the Town…

SCORN not the Sonnet; Critic, you have frown’d,

Shakespeare unlock’d his heart; the melodyOf this small lute gave ease to Petrarch’s wound;A thousand times this pipe did Tasso sound;With it Camöens sooth’d an exile’s grief;The Sonnet glitter’d a gay myrtle leafAmid the cypress with which Dante crown’dHis visionary brow: a glow-worm lamp,It cheer’d mild Spenser, call’d from Faery-landTo struggle through dark ways; and…