Unlike the other trees that stand rigid against storm only
To be punished by the force of strong storm wind to pieces!
But this time, the Gaja cyclonic storm raging at a speed of
Hundred and more kilometres per hour in circular motion has
Totally rooted out and broken coconut trees too along with
Other trees to pieces in all numbering about four millions!
Farmers’ subsistence completely pulled out so, have become
Paupers begging for water, food, shelter with no future ever
Needing government assistance for revival and rehabilitation
Of their lives or looking for suicidal option in waiting…!
What a grim reality of total destruction of houses and farms
The poor village and town people face so soon by a single
Strong cyclonic storm called Gaja this unforgettable November
To lament in many folk ballads endlessly here-afterwards sure!
Moire than three hundred thousand people losing all their
Properties take shelter in community halls in many places now
Looking for relief from all philanthropic institutions, State
And Central governments of the nation for turning a new leaf!

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