Commemoration, it, in, mine, meant, tar, rat, roam, mat, near, moon, ion, roe;
With our love in the land of peace and joy!
Commemoration, note, ore, core, more, tore, can, trim, timer, toe, time, rim;
With your works of love in the land or romance!
Commemoration, cat, ant, meat, team, mean, met, rain, car, room, canoe;
With the lovely ways of your mind on this love!
Comemoration, train, main, me, am, ram, man, men, not, mate, rate, tan;
With your muse to control the people around you!
But try to understand the works of others as well;
Because this world is for us all to live peacefully in it than wars! !
And like the joy of the heavens above us;
But, i am here to commemorate you with the medals of my love.

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