To achieve full liberation and divine bliss in the Absolute at the end.
It is not enough just praying 1 or 3 or 4or 5 times a day without fail;
Better do duty naturally for the common good of the whole world.
God appeared variously to show for all way out of mess to bliss;
All religions are born not to divide but to unite all men in the world.
By world peace only oneness of God can be established for all
Not by conversion but by spiritually striving for the unity of humanity!
By spiritual meditation of one God be it Allah, Jesus, Buddha or Krishna
And working for the establishing schools, colleges, jobs and hospitals
Unity of soul, soil, society can be achieved by spirit, agriculture, culture
And is the best way for the creation of one world for mankind in the future!
Thinking about the creation and destiny of man is the same for all men
But segregation, division and difference create problems endless for all!

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