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There’ll be no one in the house
Winter’s day seen in the space that’sMade by curtains left undrawn.Only flash-past of the wet whiteSnowflake clusters, glimpsed and gone.Only roofs and snow, and save forRoofs and snow-no one at home.Once more, frost will trace its patterns,I’ll be haunted once againBy my last year’s melancholy,By that other wintertime.Once more, I’ll be troubled by anOld unexpiated…
How I remember solstice days
Each unrepeatable, unique,And each one countless times repeated.Of all these days, these only days,When one rejoiced in the impressionThat time had stopped, there grew in yearsAn unforgettable succession.Each one of them I can evoke.The year is to midwinter moving,The roofs are dripping, roads are soaked,And on the ice the sun is brooding.Then lovers hastily are…
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The air is full of after-thunder freshness,
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Winked to the birdcherry, gulped amid tears,
Full moon. The musicians are picking their wayTo the theatre. More and more people assemble.Puddles on stone. Like a throat overfilledWith tears are the roses, deep with wet scaldingDiamonds. Showers of gladness thrill,Eyelashes, stormclouds, and roses enfolding.The moon for the first time is casting in plasterAn epic poem uncast till today:The cordons, the flutter of…
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Because gods perceive future things, men what is happening now,
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For centuries they hadn’t seen gifts at Delphi
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I love the church: its labara,
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