What they have communicated they confirm in person when they meet in some
Important functions like marriage, birthday or in bus or train on travels somewhere!
Friendship means it should be like that and that is how friends should be;
Only purposeless friends seem to be often meeting sans anything to do ever;
Purposeless friendship also cannot achieve anything remarkable
in any field;
Friendship of high calibre makes miracles whatever field they may represent in life!
How long we have lived is not important, but many good things we have done is;
In the same way, we should create history by our friendship that has noble aim
And has a high purpose as ambition by our deeds that all should be appreciate;
That is how a friendship should go ahead in the journey of our life, long or short!
A purposeless friendship is like a man travelling in a train without Knowing destination
Or why one is actually travelling and reaching anywhere to do what in world life!