observed Eeyore,
his mouth full
of thistles

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Has Rights.
Yet, we respect nothing,
As we allow things to happen,
That annihilate the life of others,
Instead of being sisters and brothers,
Respecting our differences,
Trying to do right,
Rule thru kindness,
Not thru fright!
it never seems to work out,
Does it?
Sooner rather than later,
Some political transition
Calling itself,
A champion of democracy,
Comes along, abusing others,
Trying to usurp their human rights.
But don’t give up.
Maybe someday we will get there,
Thru understanding, not thru wars,
If we let people realize,
That when they impose
Their way of thinking on others,
They are destroying their own
Human Rights
And slipping, into the darkest
Of abusive Nights.

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