on the other side of this too small window
but to me this small hole is the opening of a tunnel
that leads to Him.
You can’t look into my wet eyes
but you can listen to me.
Understand my husky voice
it’s coming from a guilty conscience
who has confined himself in a broken heart.
I am broken and shattered
I have lost something I’ll never get back,
Should I commit suicide?
Or I should continue living with a guilty conscience.
For the whole night the suffocation of my restless soul
didn’t let me sleep.
Father! I was robbed of my innocence.
Last evening,
during my first date,
I became over ecstatic
and I could not stop him.
Is there any Jesus for me?
Is there any savior for me?
‘Forget it and go to your mother for her guidance.
She is your savior
She is Jesus for you’
Dejected and frustrated while coming back
she saw her mother standing at the gates of the church.
Take it easy my child
the boy had come to me,
he has regretted what he has done,
and he has promised that it will not be recurred.
We have good news for you,
The boy truly loves you,
and wants to marry you.
But ‘tis not the time of your marriage
both of you are students,
concentrate on your studies,
you’ll be engaged to him.
And you should also promise
that it will not be recurred.

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Ay, father I have.
A fourpence on cakes, two pennies that away
To a beggar I gave.
The lake of yellow brimstone boil for you in Hell,
Such lies that you spin.
Tell the truth now, John, ere the falsehood swell,
Say, where have you been?
I’ll lie no more to you, father, what is the need?
To the Play I went,
With sixpence for a near seat, money’s worth indeed,
The best ever spent.
Grief to you, shame or grief, here is the story–
My splendid night!
It was colour, scents, music, a tragic glory,
Fear with delight.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, title of the tale:
He of that name,
A tall, glum fellow, velvet cloaked, with a shirt of mail,
Two eyes like flame.
All the furies of fate circled round the man,
Maddening his heart,
There was old murder done before play began,
Ay, the ghost took part.
There were grave-diggers delving, they brought up bones,
And with rage and grief
All the players shouted in full, kingly tones,
Grand, passing belief.
Oh, there were ladies there radiant like day,
And changing scenes:
Great sounding words were tossed about like hay
By kings and queens.
How the plot turned about I watched in vain,
Though for grief I cried,
As one and all they faded, poisoned or slain,
In great agony died.
Father, you’ll drive me forth never to return,
Doubting me your son–
So I shall, John
–but that glory for which I burn
Shall be soon begun.
I shall wear great boots, shall strut and shout,
Keep my locks curled.
The fame of my name shall go ringing about
Over half the world.
Horror that your Prince found, John may you find,
Ever and again
Dying before the house in such torture of mind
As you need not feign.
While they clap and stamp at your nightly fate,
They shall never know
The curse that drags at you, until Hell’s gate.
You have heard me. Go!

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In kids life together,
The parents everyone calls them,
How fine!
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 20 November,2017

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Close to blood circular
Deep in nucleus; DNA
How fun!
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 15 November,2017

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Good relations bind them
In family ever.
RARe 2nd Stanza:
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
6 Lines Poem ─
Syllables Meter: 2-2-2-2-6-6
Rhyme Scheme: aabbca; ababca; aaaaba.
RARe 2nd Stanza refers Right Angle Reza 2nd Stanza.
Geometric Theoretical Explanation of ‘RARe 2nd Stanza’
The 1st 4 (2-2-2-2)lines stand on the last 2 (6-6)lines,
At the joining point, line No.4 and 5 there the 90? angle is generated;
The 90? angle is known as Right Angle in Geometry.
© Muzahidul Reza | 24 November, 2018

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This is small family
One or two less or more.

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From grandparents father, mother come
My brother, sister’s parents become.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Rules Of Writing Tyburn:
A six line poem
consisting of 2,2,2,2,9,9 syllables;
The first four lines rhyme
And are all descriptive words;
The last two lines rhyme
And incorporate the 1st,2nd,3rd,
And 4th lines as the 5th to 8th syllables.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 22 December,2017

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To keep my eye fixed upon You.
Doing the best I can,
To keep You focused,
Glued in my view.
I know what it means to stray.
You have been with me everyday.
So you have seen that happen!
I know the circumstances,
Of my actions.
When I have not obeyed.
And to awaken afraid to suffer,
Through those consequences.
With a feeling of enemies approaching.
As I would sneak to take a peek…
From behind closed curtains.
To discover those fears,
Making a ‘home’ inside me.
Father God…
I am doing the best I can.
I choose to prove I can do much better.
By preparing to combat,
Those storms that confront me.
Those that come.
Giving me reason to run!
But You will not allow it.
You wish me to sit…
As I experience every bit of thunder,
That roars.
I cringe when passing by those lessons you teach.
Everyday when I walk across many diverse streets.
Trying to understand,
I do.
Why there is unhappiness all around.
And why those who claim to have faith…
Stumble disrespectfully on solid ground!
You teach…
That I do not want that for me.
You teach with such vivid depictions.
I am doing the best I can,
To keep my eye fixed upon You.
It is true.
I try doing the best I can,
To keep You focused,
Glued in my view.
And that is all I can do,
My Father.
Until You…
My Guiding Light,
Disapprove of it!
With a wish not to ever,
Get You upset.
With false steps I take.
Father God…
I am doing the best I can.
And I choose to prove I can do much better.
Before repeating…
Any of Your lessons.
And that is all I can do,
My Father.
Until You…
My Guiding Light,

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Have many slipping faced down in BS!
Of course we are in the midst,
Of this ‘blissful’ season.
Some folks are overdosed,
With more BS than the rest.
Displaying silkened tongues…
That before lashed out venom.
They make attempts to disguise,
The evil within them.
And Father…
I thank You!
For helping me see through,
Their wicked deeds they ‘still’ pursue!
And after the new year is over and done…
These same folks will begin to display,
Their fangs…
To everyone!

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in the way you provide what we need for each day.
Thank you for comforting us when we are overwhelmed
by the news reels of this world and the pain that surrounds most of us these days.
Heal our anxiety and help us to wade through the worry
to find your truth and love.
Psalm 23: 1-4 reminds us:
‘The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’
Strike the fear and worry from our lives when it wells up,
Father. Help us to remember, refocus, move forward, trust you,
and hold onto our hope in Christ.
In Jesus’ Name,

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