And discard them at first chance
Is called intelligence
If it is not done
They will come and make life miserable
Thrusting upon it
Disorder and contradiction
To live in peace
One has to find out what is disorder
And what are the causes behind it
They are many,
Saying one thing and doing the other Is one of them
And behind all these causes
There is one root cause
That is me, myself and ego.
We have acquired immense knowledge
But it fails to transform us
We have no integrity or a real freedom.
A freedom without choice
When one is clear in one’s ability
To think objectively and precisely,
Where does a person need to choose?
It is only a confused mind that chooses.
So what is freedom?
Freedom is not the opposite of imprisonment
Nor it seeks an escape from anything
Rather it tries to find out what makes one to fear
Find the cause out and cure it
And be free.

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Who a freeman,
Say you?

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is much more affordable,
and a much better bargain,
than not being free!
make the choice! make it now!
whatever it takes, in 2012!

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at my
a rat
th at
my fears
freedo m, the oldest
primeval urge,
the grunting of
the darkness
as light opens
the door!
beat ing…
in the
of the
as the body
is flung from
the cliff…
the sound a rose
makes when it blooms!

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Is there such a thing?
Seems that today,
It’s so
All taboos, restrictions
Let go,
Down, wrong rivers
We flow.
All was sin
Nothing is
And we’re still not happy!
There we stand
Like idiots
With open hands,
Waiting for
Happiness, completion
To fall from the sky
Not even knowing
That this feeling of emptiness
Is individually created
And that happiness is
What we want to make it
The potential for it,
In each individual lies
It cannot be donated
Or created,
No matter how much
A spoiled and decadent society,
Tries, complains or cries.

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