And struggled just to keep the tears at bay
And this for him perhaps his saddest day.
She was his friend and canine friends are true
And your dog up to the end will stick by you
Your dog will always be your faithful mate
And wag her tail and greet you at the gate.
And ‘Miss’ to damian was a faithful friend
She stuck by him up to the very end
Her balance poor her eyes with age grown dim
But to the very end she stuck by him.
A drive in car, fetch stick or chase a ball
Some of the things she enjoyed most of all
Till age came too soon and wore each bodily part
Still miss was always a young dog at heart.
I like ‘blue heelers’ they are good enough
And they don’t mind it when the going gets tough
And Miss the heeler to her breed was true
And she was faithful to her master too.
To save her further suffering he had her put to rest
And he only did for his dog what was best
And he buried her in her old stomping ground
Where as a pup she barked and played around.
A dog is just a dog some people say
Whilst others see things in a different way
And some even treat their dog as family
‘You kick my dog you may as well kick me’.
Today poor Damian buried an old friend
And she was faithful to him till the end
It’s hard so very hard to say goodbye
But memories live on memories never die.

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