We voted for him since we like what we see
You hear many say he thinks similar to me.
Like us he is endowed with great National pride
And like us he feels we have God on our side
But unlike us he knows better how to pretend
Even the one he secretly does not like he speaks of as a friend.
One of the majority and with the majority much in common he share
To him that the poor should grow poorer does not seem unfair
When he speaks of a fair go for all he does not mean refugees
Or people who are different to us in varying degrees.
Some of our power we gave to him on Election day
And his speeches they suit us we like what he say
When he says we’re not racist with him we agree
‘Tis just that some are not suited for our type of society.
Of the canditates for the top job we took a mental note
And he thought more like us so for him we did vote
Like us he is endowed with National pride
And like us he too feels we have God on our side.

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