of being a perfect Sufi,
insan al-kamil,
a perfect Friend of God?
My Beloved said
You will never in your life be sure;
and that is just how it should be;
that way, you will be safe in Me;
instead, seek always where My secret might be found:
as you walk, look closely at all of nature;
every flower, every tree, every lake, every cloud,
every bird, every animal;
look closely at them, to see
if they hold My secret;
as you walk down the street,
look into the eyes of each human being
to see if they know My secret in their heart;
listen to every sound and every word
in case My secret hides within them;
or in the scent of roses, or in the taste of food;
go to sleep with this question on your lips,
wake with this question in your mind;
and though you will never find the answer,
one day the question shall cease to be a question
and become the song which you have always known.

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