I have too a bin of claret,
Good, but better when you share it.
Tho’ ’tis only a small bin,
There’s a stock of it within.
And as sure as I’m a rhymer,
Half a butt of Rudeheimer.
Come; among the sons of men is one
Welcomer than Alfred Tennyson?
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WE are what suns and winds and waters make us;
Fashion and win their nursling with their smiles.But where the land is dim from tyranny,There tiny pleasures occupy the placeOf glories and of duties; as the feetOf fabled faeries when the sun goes downTrip o’er the grass where wrestlers strove by day.Then Justice, call’d the Eternal One above,Is more inconstant than the buoyant formThat burst…
NO, my own love of other years!
Much rests with you that yet endears,Alas! but what with me?Could those bright years o’er me revolveSo gay, o’er you so fair,The pearl of life we would dissolveAnd each the cup might share.You show that truth can ne’er decay,Whatever fate befalls;I, that the myrtle and the bayShoot fresh on ruin’d walls.
IN his own image the Creator made,
Thou breathing dial! since thy day beganThe present hour was ever mark’d with shade!
‘Do you remember me? or are you proud?’
Ianthe said, and look’d into my eyes.‘A yes, a yes to both: for MemoryWhere you but once have been must ever be,And at your voice Pride from his throne must rise.’
Death stands above me, whispering low
Of his strange language all I knowIs, there is not a word of fear.
I STROVE with none, for none was worth my strife;
I warm’d both hands before the fire of life;It sinks, and I am ready to depart.