the golden Muses
gave me was no
delusion: dead, I
won’t be forgotten
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Fragments 34, 77, 76, 61, 71, 48, 86, 83, 47, 129, and 32 combined.
Eranna, a slight girl I counted thee,When first I looked upon thy form and face,Slim as a reed, and all devoid of grace.But stately stature, grace and beauty cameUnto thee with the years — O, dost not shameFor this, Eranna, that thy pride hath grownTherewith? Alas for thee ! I have not knownOne beauty ever…
Tell everyone
sing beautifully formy friends’ pleasure
With flowers fair adorn thy lustrous hair,
With thy soft hands, for so a maiden standsAccepted of the gods, whose eyes divineAre turned away from her–though fair as MayShe waits, but round whose locks no flowers shine.
Of course I love you
marry a young woman!I couldn’t stand itto live with a youngman, I being older
Blest as the immortal gods is he,
Whose ears thy tongue’s sweet melodyMay still devour.Thou smilest too!–sweet smile, whose charmHas struck my soul with wild alarm,And, when I see thee, bids disarmEach vital power.Speechless I gaze: the flame withinRuns swift o’er all my quivering skin:My eyeballs swim; with dizzy dinMy brain reels round;And cold drops fall; and tremblings frailSeize every limb; and…
You know the place: then
waiting where the grove ispleasantest, by precinctssacred to you; incensesmokes on the altar, coldstreams murmur through theapple branches, a youngrose thicket shades the groundand quivering leaves pourdown deep sleep; in meadowswhere horses have grown sleekamong spring flowers, dillscents the air. Queen! Cyprian!Fill our gold cups with lovestirred into clear nectarSapphotr. Barnard