High above
With the head on the palm
Seeing the band of musicians,
The artistes at the nets
Doing the gymnastic skills.
The joker on an ass whistling,
Working as the umpire of the comedian cricket teams,
The juggler with the hats, caps and balls juggling,
One two four, four two one
And the other pigmy jokers trying to break
The concentration
After having clapped and whistled,
Giving a thank you,
Trying to hand shake.
Another tallest joker on a ramshackle bicycle
Caling it a British-time asset,
Preserved for so long,
trying to auction at a high price,
But the aprts falling down
When the other pigmy joker friends sit on the rear
Or in front of
And he trying to carry the load.
Again, as a mechanic the main joker, the tallest one
Mending the bicycle
To strat for the homeward journey
And the other jokers whistling
For the bus to go,
Another showing the hand to get into.
The man on the guitar, on the banjo, on the congo,
On the drums, the accordion
Giving the mussic
And forgetting my own, I enjoying the scenes and spectacles,
Even forgetful of the return journey.
While on the other, in the second part of the time-duration,
The ring-masters with the flogs into the hands
Bringing the lions, Asiatic lions,
The cheetahs, the tigers,
Caging and bringing hastily

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