Lost his wife and their two young children in a car smash he lives with that tragedy
But he has got on with his life and few as courageous as he.
Ten months ago he got the bad news in his place of work he got the call
His wife on her way home from shopping ran out of brakes and hit a brick wall
She and their three year old twin daughters died instantly the love and joy from his life had gone
He is putting his life back together and bravely he keeps keeping on..
Some people from such things never recover the future for them seems too hard to face
But he is a man of great courage and the challenges of life he embrace
The laughter has returned to his heart and laughter is the best medicine they say
And he is almost back to his old self and he makes the most of every day.
Life is never meant to be easy we all have our crosses to bear
And his cross to carry is quite heavy yet he is not one to despair
Of life and the challenges it throws him of heartbreak and sorrow he know
But he is a man of great courage and despite his loss courage he show

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