Far from the noise of the traffic not a rain cloud in the sky
From the dark and deep calm of the waters brown trout are leaping for fly.
Beautiful Nigretta waters you seem so quiet and serene
An artist could only feel happy to capture this beautiful scene
And on to canvas commit these beautiful colours to be viewed on a gallery wall
Compared to the achievements of Nature human achievements do seem very small.
The distinctive song of the magpie familiar melodious and clear
A black and white minstrel of Nature his voice is so pleasant to hear
By the waters of the Nigretta on a high branch of a tall blackwood tree
His flute like voice cannot be mistaken a king of his own territory.
In the bright sunlight of morning the deep and dark waters of the Nigretta crawl
On to the top of the rock cliff where it spills over the wall
Falling and splashing down over the rock face to the lake in the ravine below
Viewed from the high viewing platform a natural wonder on show.

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